APV Amsterdam - Article 2.49 and article 2.43. Version of 2008.
Note: this is an old version which is not applicable any longer.
Click here for the current version.
This text is translated into English for your convenience at straattheater.info.
However, this is NO official release. Only the original Dutch version is applicable.
Article 2.49 (Street performer and music).
1. It is prohibited to perform music or as a street performer at by the Mayor described places and times.
2. At other than the under the first sub mentioned places it is prohibited to perform music or as a street performer without license of the Mayor.
3. Sub 2 is not applicable if:
a the performing group does not exceed six persons;
b no hurdy-gurdy's (barrel organs), sound amplifying devices or percussion instruments, such as drums, bongo's et cetera are being used;
c the performance does not exceed half an hour and
d the performance does not take place between 23.00 and 9.00 hours.
4. Article 2.43 is applicable.
Article 2.43 (Special grounds for refusal).
The Mayor can refuse the license if according to his view:
a the event causes danger for the public order, health or safety, including the fire safety and the interest in avoiding disorder;
b a disproportional number of visitors is to be expected;
c the event does not fit within the character or purpose of the location where it will be held;
d the event has a disproportional demand on the available space or time or on the rescue services;
e the event obstructs the traffic;
f the event is likely to create a disproportionate pressure on the living climate within the surroundings of the event;
g the event causes polution, has negative effects on the appearance of the surroundings, damages amenity or public utility facilities;
h the organizer offers insufficient guarantees for an orderly running of the event, considering the previously mentioned interests, or
i the organizer offers insufficient guarantees to avoid damage to the environment resulting from the event, or to limit this to maximum extend.