for, by, and about street theatre performers in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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About the Samenwerkende Amsterdamse Straatartiesten (SAS) and this web site

List of street theatre artists affiliated with the SAS


List of artists

Local, Amsterdam-based or travelling international street theatre performers and teams, affiliated with the SAS; sharing pitches at present and/or in the past (since approx. 1985), and supporting our organization and it's philosophy, in alphabetical order:

1 to 7 (Netherlands)
Aerial Manx (Australia)
Aileen Wilkie (United Kingdom)
Alex Feil (Germany)
Andy Sumpton (United Kingdom)
AJ James (United Kingdom)
Arthur Mixx (United Kingdom)
Tutu Marques Cube Show (Brazil)
Ballet Hooligans (United Kingdom)
Mr. Banana (Taiwan)
Miss Behave (United Kingdom)
Big Ben (France)
Bike Boy The King (United Kingdom)
Bindlestiff Family Circus (USA)
Blake Barratt's Standstill Theatre (Australia)
Bobarino Gravittini (USA)
Bob the Amazing (USA)
The Brucie Show (Australia)
Bryony Black (Australia)
Mr. Bugiganga (Brazil)
The Butterfly Man (USA)
Buzz (United Kingdom / Australia)
Byron Bertram (Canada)
Captain Frodo (Sweden)
Caisiy Bundock (USA)
Chance (USA)
Circus Fergus (Ireland)
The Circus Firemen (Australia)
Crash Metal (Australia)
Crystal Ball Paul (United Kingdom)
Dado (Canada)
Damien Dare-devil (Australia)
Dan Nimmo (Australia)
Dirty Fred (USA)
DJ (Netherlands)
Dom Ferry (Australia)
Dino Lampa (Italy)
Duple do Rio (Brasil)
Dr. Bert (Germany)
DynaMike World Peace Stunt Show Party Special Experience (Canada)
Webmaster note: Dear DynaMike, next life, can you please choose a shorter stage name, this one is taking WAY too much space.
Eli the Kid (Australia)
Eli Thorn (Canada)
Elronathon (Hawaii)
The Fabulous Kapow Sisters (United Kingdom)
Miss Fire (Australia)
FlameOz (Australia)
Flaming Butterflies (Australia / United Kingdom)
The Flying Dutchmen (Netherlands / Canada)
Mr. Fish (Australia)
Frank Olivier (USA)
Goose (New Zealand)
Groovy Geno (United Kingdom)
Herbie Treehead (United Kingdom)
Hunter Way (Hawaii)
I 'n Eye Performances (Netherlands)
The Individuals (Netherlands)
Invincible Vaughan (Australia)
Jack Jaxx (Belgium)
James International Stunt Bike Extremist (New Zealand)
Jana Dae & Silas Knight (USA)
Jason Stevens (Australia)
Jewels Strouzer (Russia)
Johan Wellton (Sweden)
JoeyJoey (USA)
Mr. Jones (Netherlands)
JP (Australia)
Judith 'Ophelia' Lanigan (New Zealand)
Juggling Dom (Australia)
Mr. Jules (United Kingdom)
King Adzy (Australia)
Kiros Hadgu (Ethiopia)
LDEEBBOY (Albania)
Lee Hayes (USA)
Leighton Stephens (Australia)
Leopard Man (Australia)
Logy On Fire (Ireland)
Lucky Diamond Rich (Australia)
Lucas James (Australia)
Magic Brian (USA)
Maja Nilsson Contortion (Sweden)
Malachi Frost (Australia)
Mala Sangre 5 (Spain)
Mark Cmor (Canada)
Martin Mall (Germany)
Marty LeGray (USA)
MegaMel (United Kingdom)
Mike The Balloon Man (Canada)
Mildred Hodittle (USA)
Miss Minetti (Netherlands)
Myth (South Africa)
Nene (Colombia)
Nero The One (Hungary)
Nick Nickolas (United Kingdom)
niMú (Spain)
Oisin Charms (Ireland)
On and On Crew (Poland)
OzStar Airlines (Australia)
Pandora (New-Zealand)
Pane Temov (Macedonia)
Paul Carpenter (USA)
Paul Tolhurst (Australia)
Piper Skates and Ladders (Canada)
Planet Banana (USA / Brasil)
Psycho Sam (Australia)
Pyromancer (Netherlands)
Queen Nefertiti (Israel)
Ra'shaun Daniels (USA)
ReidiculousReid (USA)
Rob Roy (United Kingdom)
Saint Sebastian Balance (Australia)
Scoot (Australia)
Scott Chocolate (Australia)
Sajles Sinkovec (Ireland)
Sharon Mahoney (Canada)
Shawn (Canada)
Shep Huntly (Australia)
Shirlee Sunflower (Australia)
Shykoo Pykoo (Israel)
Silver (United Kingdom)
Simon Hewitt (Australia)
Skill Dealers Crew (Netherlands / Iran / Poland)
Sons of God (Hungary)
Space Commander (Australia)
Space Cowboy (Australia)
The Spice Boys (Netherlands / Germany / Australia)
Spike Danburnt (United Kingdom)
Mr. Spin (Australia)
StickMan Tim (Canada)
Strawberry (Australia)
SuperFrank (Netherlands)
Suzy Leigh (Australia)
Tom Bolton (USA)
Tom Comet (Canada)
Tommy The Fireboy (Australia)
Tony Livingspace (New Zealand)
Tony (Australia)
Trevor Rooney (United Kingdom)
The Unicycling Waiter (Netherlands)
Venus the Goddess (Netherlands)
Yann Elvis (Switzerland)
Yogi Luis (Argentina)

These performers are / have been performing since 2008, i.e. after the bylaw changed and streetperforming became license-free and voice amplification is tolerated.

amsterdam, street theater, holland, busking, straattheater, street performing, performing, license, the netherlands, permit, vergunning, show, sas, ontheffing, street artist, straatartiesten, streettheater, juggler, clown, magician, mime, acrobat, living statue, unicyclist, levend standbeeld, straatartiest, acrobaat, jongleur, fire, performance Privacy statement | © 2003-2025 Copyright Design & hosting by SuperXS.
straattheater, amsterdam, street theater, holland, street performing, the netherlands, busking, performing, license, vergunning, permit, ontheffing, sas, show, straatartiesten, streettheater, street artist, mime, clown, juggler, magician, living statue, unicyclist, acrobat, straatartiest, jongleur, levend standbeeld, acrobaat, performance, fire